Online Coaching

No matter where you are in the world (or what equipment you have available to you), online training gives you an expert coach by your side to achieve all your goals.

Thank you for your interest! My coaching spots are currently full, but you can join the small waiting list below.

Don’t miss your chance—send through your details, and I’ll reach out as soon as a spot opens!

​Who's It For?

If you are short on time, prefer the comfort of your own home or want more than $1 a minute PT at your local gym, our online coaching will give you the greatest return for your training efforts. Our coaching and approach means no more wasted workouts or silly diet mistakes, just consistent, guided results.

We’re in This Together - What’s Included?

Imagine having a dedicated fitness expert right by your side, guiding you every step of the way, whether you're at the gym or in the comfort of your own home.

Results, designed with you

A bespoke training plan and programme, designed around your aims and lifestyle, to ensure every session you complete is bringing you closer to your goals.

Expert coaching and support

Your transformation roadmap - where you and your coach will work together to break down your long term goals into step by step targets, we will hold you accountable, to ensure consistent, life-changing results.

Proven system

Discover a comprehensive approach that is more than just workouts - a personalised approach that addresses moving, eating, plans and programs, including environmental factors to move you from where you are, to where you want to be.


We build you a customised workout program suited to your body and goals. This will take into account your current ability, exercise preferences, and available workout equipment. Whether it is home or gym based, the workouts will suit you and your needs.


We understand how important mindset is to achieving success. You’ll gain access to our mindset system, that’s designed to educate, motivate and bulletproof your mindset. This program has been a game changer when taking your goals and life to the next level.

Nutrition Guidance

Achieving your fitness goals isn't just about exercise; it's also about what you eat. We provide expert nutritional guidance to complement your workouts and maximise results.

Whether you choose to work with us online or in person, we will tailor the perfect personal training plan around your unique goals to achieve the results you want in minimum time.

Free Consultation

Find out if Online Coaching is right for you?

The Results You Can Expect

Everything we do is designed to help you achieve the absolute best results possible. Take a look at the incredible transformations and read about what our clients have achieved in partnership with us through our virtual personal training.

Are We Right For You?

How do you know if we’re the right personal trainers in Auckland to help you get from point A (where you are now), to point B (where you want to be)?

If you find yourself nodding or muttering “yes” to any of these questions,

  • Have you found clothes fitting snugger each passing year, all in the “wrong” places?

  • Were you shocked the last time you stepped onto the scales (or actively avoid them)?

  • Do you wish you could just look forward to holidays, without dreading how you’ll feel on the beach?

  • Have you started to recognise that taking action isn’t all about being vain, rather being around to be active and present for your family (be it partner, kids, or (future or current) grandkids)?

  • Have you been discouraged by a boring training plan or bland diet in the past, and thought that “dieting” and “training” just isn’t for you’?

If so? Then now is the time to do something about it. And it’d be an honour to be able to help.

For over a decade we’ve been helping men and women achieve results they never thought were possible, often after years of frustration and empty promises from solutions they’d tried previously.

Nobody else will take the action for you, so if you're waiting for a sign? This is it.

How Online Coaching Works

Just like our in gym clients, you invest in a set period of time and we build a personalised online training and nutrition plan around you. We give you the tools, accountability and guidance you need to achieve maximum results possible in that time.


In the discovery chat, we will help you identify your goals, understand where you are right now, and determine if online coaching is a good fit for you.


In a complimentary strategy session, you will dive deeper into key areas of growth and transformation and discover the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.


After learning more about your wants and needs, we begin working together to achieve your goals.

What’s Stopping You?

We're committed to helping over 1,000 people in Auckland to live longer, stronger, more confident lives. It's why we offer free trial sessions, complimentary consultations, and our iron-clad money back guarantee on results (yes, really).

If you’re desperate to get back into your favourite clothes that have been relegated to the back of the closet, are tired of your work shirts beginning to feel the strain around your stomach, and feel sick of no-longer having the “get-up-and-go” you felt when you were younger? We will guide you to getting that mojo back, to feel confident the next time you’re on a beach, making a presentation at work, or running around with your kids.

Training and addressing your diet with the correct approach adds to your life exponentially, through increasing your energy, decreasing your stress, heightening your mood, boosting long-term health, and equipping you with confidence in your everyday strength and appearance.

This is exactly why we have spent a decade deigning and battle testing each component of our approach - to be the best personal training experience in Auckland, New Zealand.

If you’d like to be part of a coaching environment that puts you first? Get in touch

Your Questions, Answered

  • Some of our most impressive transformations to date have come from our Online Clients.

    The flexibility to train on your own schedule with a program that's bespoke and adjusted to your needs alongside the nutrition guidance.

    Within 6 weeks you can expect to be leaner, stronger, healthier and more confident with your physique than any program or gym membership alone that you've tried before.

  • Our coaching package has been designed to give you every tool you need to take the guesswork out of getting into the best shape of your life.

    The best way to know if it will be just as effective for you as it has been for others? Fill in the form and we’ll get in contact to set up your private video call, we’ll chat to see whether it’ll be a good fit, then go from there.

  • Both! Getting great results relies upon both expertly programmed workouts and looking at dietary adjustments. This is how we've created a customisable system that's so effective at helping men and women get such impressive results over the years (without boring training sessions, or bland diets).

  • Our online training packages run for an initial 6 weeks; with the option to continue on a month to month basis without any sticky long-term contracts, making our partnership entirely results driven.

    Getting your customised plan and program, weekly check ins, nutrition, guidance and membership access is $39 p/w.

Your Results, Guaranteed

If you commit and do everything within your coaching program and don't see and feel noticeable results after 12 weeks we will refund you your entire investment. No questions asked, we just simply part as friends.

That's how sure I am that this will be the BEST transformation you've ever experienced before.

Get Your Fitness Journey Started Today

Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your life and become the best version of yourself. Our online coaching is your ticket to a healthier, happier, and more confident you.